Sodium Haze: Will Cameron resign?

Friday, 8 July 2011

Will Cameron resign?

The Haze is no fan of David Cameron and his Conservative Party - their 'Big Society' nonsense is an absolute affront to everything we stand for @ Sodium Haze - its just a PR scam to hide attacks on democracy.

So the idea that Cameron has been mortally wounded by this scandal with his chums at News International is rather appealing to The Haze and doubtless many of our readers - but is it a realistic prospect?
Peter Oborne in the Telegraph was quick to start wrting his obituary yesterday - even before the latest arrests.

The Haze thinks this day is the beginning of the end for Cameron - and the end is nigh.

Consider this!

Why did the tories elect Cameron in the first place?

To de-toxify the Tory brand - he was seen as warm, modern, family orientated, PR savvy and quick on his feet. Most of all Cameron was seen as the man who could change the public's perception that the tories are rich and in league with big business.

Because he was seen as winner - a man to end the tories run of wilderness years.
So how has Cameron been doing?

Mediocre success only in the general election. The circumstances of which just couldn't have been more favourable for him and yet he still couldn't get the tories over the finish line without the help of their hated 'partners' the Lib Dems. This has been followed by a series of embarrasing policy U-turns that led to the disastrous NHS 'reforms' put forward by Andrew Lansley. Every professional medical body in the UK rose up against the tory plans and once again the tories are seen as wreckers and privatisers of the NHS.

Now with Labour ahead in the polls during what should surely be the tory honeymoon period - his reputation is being dragged into the sewer by his close association with Murdoch's News International. The scale of the damage cannot be overstated. the News of the World was hacking into the voicemail of murdered children, terrorist victims and fallen british soldiers. This won't easily be forgotten or forgiven by the tory heartland - many of whom had misgivings about him anyway.

What may lie ahead for Cameron?

Weeks and months of damaging allegations emerging bit by bit about people that the prime minister is linked to. To say that hiring Andy Coulson was 'an error of judgement' is the political understatement of the century! It may be a knife through the heart of Cameron's leadership of the Conservatives.

The party may think that Cameron has become more trouble than he is worth and ditch him.

If he is no longer:

(a) a winner

(b) Seen as being quick on his feet (his response to this whole phone hacking debacle has been slow and inadequete)

(c) De-toxofying the tory brand (an association with Murdoch and his lowest slimeballs, great!) -if anything he is re-toxifying it.

(d) No longer warm cuddly, PR savvy and an asset to the tory brand...

... then why keep him?

Indeed as the allegations drag on inside what is bound to be a media firestorm - it will surely dawn on someone in the 1922 committee that Cameron is damaged goods - damaged beyond economic repair in fact and the smart move will be to ditch him sooner rather than alter.

Cameron is not AT ALL popular with the tory right... and he if isn't going to WIN anymore then all bets are off.

or perhaps all bets are ON!

Good ole Mike Smithson @ Politcal Betting never misses a trick! We clearly had exactly the same thoughts over our breakfast toast this morning.
As retoxification continues apace, it is now worth examining if the Conservatives can actually win their first parliamentary majority since 1992 at the next election? At some point MPs will begin to wonder this out loud too. If at some point they conclude it is not likely, they could be forgiven for asking ‘what is the point of David Cameron?
Hmmm - what are the odds on him going then? Turns out Mike has already stuck a few quid on it.
Before I went to bed I got £25 on with Ladbrokes (the most that the bookie would allow) at 100/1 against David Cameron being the next cabinet minister to leave. That’s now moved in to 33/1.
I’ve also managed to get on the same bet at 150/1 with Stan James. They wouldn’t let me put much on but at those odds the winnings would be quite nice anyway.
The Haze reckons that Mike has got a bargain there!

Cameron is the walking dead politically - it may take a while, but he is finished and the tories will do to him what Murdoch did to the News of the World.

[Update 1: Ladbrokes briefly suspended betting on Cameron being next out of the cabinet - then re-posted odds of 33/1 - the same as Nick Clegg]

[Update 2 - Rebbekah Brooks apologies to News of the World staff but defies calls to resign]

Note : The all new SODIUM HAZE is over at - this is a mirror blog now.

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